
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kicks And Giggles

Today's Road Trip Wednesday question, hosted by YA Highway asks:

Good for a laugh: who is your favorite comedian or funny book and/or movie?

It used to be, when I wanted to laugh out loud, I would watch Friends.

"If a fist comes at your face, you duck!"

Nowadays, a watch The Big Bang Theory to bring on the howling and knee-slapping (I don't actually knee-slap, I swear).

"Revenge is a dish best served nude."

As to books... which is what I was supposed to be talking about in the first place... the two authors that came to mind right away who make me chortle and snort (okay, I may actually do those) are:

Rick Riordan. His chapter titles alone are laugh-inducing. Check some of them out:

I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom (The Lightening Thief)
Nico Buys Happy Meals for the Dead (The Battle of the Labyrinth)
Men Ask For Directions (and Other Signs of the Apocalypse) (The Red Pyramid)
I Get A Demon Up My Nose (The Throne of Fire)

Then there's Rachel Hawkins, author of the Hex Hall Trilogy.

"You hoped I'd commit mirrorcide?"

He laughed, but it sounded a little breathless. "No, I'd hoped to see just how powerful you really are." His eyes were bright, and there was something that might have been pride in them. "You exceeded my expectations."

"Well, yay," I said. "So glad my skill at blowing crap up impresses you, Dad." (Demonglass, page 153)

So who/what makes you laugh? Got any funny books recs?


  1. I haven't read any of the PERCY JACKSON books, though I probably should. As for Big Bang, totally hilarious. :) Though, I have to say that I find Modern Family more consistently funny.

  2. My wife and I have recently been re-discovering "Friends," watching re-runs with my older kids who were little when it was first on. Very funny! I can't think of any newer shows that I find tear-invokingly funny. I might catch one or two that provoke a smile, but none I feel compelled to watch again.

  3. I usually watch sci-fi (Think "Fringe" or endless reruns of "Star Trek"), but I'm digging "Spy" right now. It's a British comedy about a man who accidentally applies for a job at Mi5.

  4. Friends is still funny even after all this time. I just got sucked into a re-run of it the other night actually. Love Big Bang Theory too. Nerd humor is always hilarious. I don't read comedy books, but for a story to really feel true to life I think it needs some humour sprinkled in.

  5. I've read the first two books of the Percy Jackson series and I really liked them! There was so much humor throughout the books!

  6. Chandler Bing. Enough said. My husband and I watch Friends like we eat biscuits and gravy. Comfort TV.

  7. I just started reading, for the first time, The Lightening Thief to my student. And I have to say, the titles ARE hilarious!

  8. It's kind of amazing how much Friends still makes me laugh. They had some great performers.

  9. I haven't read any Hex Hall! I might have to.

    Friends and Big Bang definitely among my top top choices!
