
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Moon

I just finished rereading New Moon (by Stephenie Meyer, duh) last night but haven't started Eclipse yet. I'm seeing Breaking Dawn Part 2 this Saturday and somehow I doubt I'll finish the last two books in five days. Oh well. I don't want to rush since this will be the last time I read these books for a loooong time.


Here's my teaser for Teaser Tuesday hosted by Miz B. at Should Be Reading:

... "As long as you like me best. And you think I'm good-looking- sort of. I'm prepared to be annoyingly persistent."

"I'm not going to change," I said, and though I tried to keep my voice normal, I could hear the sadness in it.

His face was thoughtful, no longer teasing. "It's still the other one, isn't it?" (page 212-213)

I've always been a Team Edward girl, but I've gotta say, Jacob has gradually grown on me. :)


  1. Ah, sigh... I LOVE these books. I don't think it's cliche to love them, either. I've always loved Edward the most, but Jacob has been a close second. I especially love the camping scene in Eclipse. Talk about jealousy, lol :)

  2. Love these books, but after Breaking Dawn, and knowing what is actually in store for Jacob, I am glad its the way it is. (not sure if you had read Breaking Dawn, so wont say it)

    Here is mine
    Tuesday Teaser and Intros

  3. Love these books. New Moon made me so sad that I sulked around the house and cried a lot. My husband ended up asking me to stay in the bedroom until I finished reading the book because he couldn't handle the moodiness anymore! LOL!

  4. Team Jacob all the waaay! I can't wait to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2! Can't believe it's the last movie. D: Great teaser!

    Here's my Teaser.
