
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Raven Boys

It's Teaser Tuesday time again, hosted by Miz B. of Should Be Reading. You can see the complete rules of the meme on her blog, but you basically open randomly to a page in your current read and choose a line or two- no spoilers!

Confession: I rarely pick a teaser at random. Usually, I use a line or small paragraph that I especially love or that conveys the tone of the book or the voice.

Right now I'm reading The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I am loving this book so far which isn't much of a surprise since I've loved everything she's written that I've read so far. She has so many great lines in this book that it should be easy to pick one. Of course, when I need to find a line I love, I can't. Go figure. So you'll have to settle for this:

"Death." Gansey read the bottom of the card. He didn't sound surprised or alarmed. He just read the word like he would read eggs or Cincinnati.

"Great job, Maura," Calla said. Her arms were crossed firmly over her chest. "You going to interpret that for the kid?" (page 151)

What are you reading this week?


  1. Great teaser!

    I'm ashamed to say that I never heard of the author, but I'll keep a lookout for her at the library.

  2. Ahh, I've had my eye on this book since before it came out. Great teaser! Have you read The Scorpio Races? It was difficult to get into, then it drew me in, and I was lost. MS does is so great at atmospheric!

  3. I seriously need to get my hands on this one! I haven't read anything by Maggie yet although I have a few of her other books on my shelves waiting for some attention. I'd love to start with this one though :)

    My Teaser

  4. Yaaay another Maggie Stiefvater book! I definitely have to pick this up soon. Thanks fot the teaser! :D New follower by the way!

    Here's Mine

  5. I need to get this one :)

  6. This was such a good book. Not exactly fast-paced, but that didn't matter one iota in my opinion. Plus, I couldn't get enough of the dynamic between the boys. So great!

  7. I like the death line. Very intriguing. :)
