
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back To School Books

Today's Road Trip Wednesday question is:

Back to school time! What's your favorite book that you had to read for a class?

The obvious choices for me would be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and the three Shakespeare plays I had to read: Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, and Othello (I can't remember if I read Shakespeare in my AP English class...) I was already a fan of Colin Firth's BBC adaptation of P&P before I had to read it in my Brit Lit class in eleventh grade. And I started reading Shakespeare for fun around grade nine so reading them in school was no biggie.

Then I took a look at my bookshelf and remembered two books that I fell in love with while reading them for school:

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Both books are about war, the first about World War I, the second about World War II. Both books are honest, heartfelt, awful, scary, and eye-opening. They are very true depictions of life for the soldiers during both wars. My love of history and fascination with both World Wars can probably be stemmed from reading these books in grade nine and ten.

Did you end up loving any books after reading them for school?


  1. Oh, this is such a great list! I've read a few of these but definitely want to read some of the others!

  2. I had to read Wuthering Heights for a college class and ended up LOVING it! I wanted more like it, so it led me to read Jane Eyre, which has become my favoritest book of all time. I also had to read Catcher in the Rye for school, and ended up loving that as well. :D

  3. Agh. "All Quiet on the Western Front" ripped me apart! What a great book!

  4. Great list! I loved Catch 22.

  5. Pride and Prejudice is a longtime favorite of mine. And the six hour Colin Firth filled BBC movie is my go to sick day movie. It drives my husband mad.

  6. I love Romeo and Juliet. I don't have a specific reason why. I just do. :)

  7. P & P is one of my all time favorites. I actually just re-read it not too long ago and it reinforced the fact that I still do love it.

  8. All of these are fantastic. I had forgotten about ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT. I remember feeling just ripped apart when I read that book. P&P - say no more. Othello is my favorite Shakespeare play. Great picks!

  9. Good choices! Strangely, I really loved "To Kill a Mockingbird", which we read at school. Most of my class didn't like it, but I really loved it. :) I understood the title and Scout is a little like me.
