
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Best Book of August

Today's Road Trip Wednesday asks:

What was the best book you read in August?

Here's what I read this month:

Wolfsbane was a great sequel. Spellbound ended the Hex Hall Trilogy PERFECTLY, and I've raved over and over about the MC's voice. The Name of the Star was a tense read with great characters. All awesome books.

Coming a close runner-up is Incarnate. It was beautifully written, I loved the world, music played a big part which is also a plus for me, and SAM. (I'm still swooning over Sam.)

BUT... my fave book this month? For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund. It's almost obvious that I would pick this one, given my love of Persuasion and the fact that I wrote my own redux. But this book, oh my gosh, this book! It was the kind of book that made me feel like the CRAPPIEST author in the world because it was just SO WELL DONE. I don't even like sci-fi that much but I LOVED this book. Diana Peterfreund just did the best job in capturing the feel of Austen but bringing her own spin to the entire thing. I go gaga over this book. And over Kai. And over their letters.

What was the best book you read this month?


  1. Wow, the way you rave about it.... i'm going to need to check it out some more, add it to my ever growing list! I love the covers of all of these books too!

  2. I really enjoyed FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, and mostly because I'm a rabid PERSUASION fan (like you). I think what made it feel less sci-fi was the fact that it took place largely on a farm, and the whole Luddite thing stripped away a lot of the technology you'd find in a sci-fi novel. I guess this made it feel a little more like the original but with a pretty big twist. :)

  3. I love love love PERSUASION, too, so I really want to read FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS. I've been hesitant because the last sci-fi I read fell a little flat, but I think I need to get over that and buy this book.

  4. I keep picking this book up, but never start it. I really should read it soon!

  5. for darkness shows the stars is on my list! I won a copy of Incarnate and I've tried reading it a few times but can't seem to get into it. I'll just have to try again.

  6. Jane Austen and sci-fi...two of my biggest book loves. I stood in line for this at Book Expo but missed...need to get it!!!

  7. Oh, gosh. MUST get on my Hex Hall reading! And I have Incarnate on my TBR as well. And I am not a huge sci fi fan, but For Darkness Shows the Stars sounds really intriguing!

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. I haven't read PERSUASION, and I think I would want to read it before reading this book. I know, it probably wouldn't make any difference whether I knew the story upon which it's based... but I'm like that. I read JANE EYRE because I wanted to read THE EYRE AFFAIR by Jasper Fforde and get all the in-jokes. As it turned out, while I enjoyed Fforde's book, I actually think I liked JANE EYRE better. :)

  9. Ooh, I will have to pick this one up!

  10. I keep looking at that book, but I absolutely love Persuasion so I haven't actually been sure that I wanted to read it. Now I'm adding this to my TBR list. :)
