
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Movie That's Better Than the Book??? No Way!

I'm a little late today but I wanted to answer this week's Road Trip Wednesday question because it's a gooder:

What movie have you seen that actually (gasp!) improved on the book?

First, here are a few facts about me and movie adaptations:

1. If a movie is coming out that's based on a book I've heard of but haven't read yet, I'll wait until I can read and see the movie at the same time. Example: I've had One For the Money by Janet Evanovich sitting on my shelf for months but I'm waiting until the movie comes on TV, even though I heard it didn't do very well.

2. With series books/movies, I reread the series every time a new movie comes out. Example: Harry Potter (sniff, won't be able to do that anymore, sniff), Twilight, and Hunger Games. And soon... The Mortal Instruments! And I have to say that while the movies aren't as good as the books in all of the above examples, I still LOVE the movies like crazy. (Except Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I have serious issues with that movie.)

3. If I LOVED a book, I'll ALWAYS see the movie. I never expect it to be as good, but usually, the movie version makes me love the book even more.

I pointed these things out just to show the basic fact that I am not opposed to books being made into movies. Actually, I heartily and openly welcome them.

So, movies that have improved on the book? Here's some of my top picks:

1. Anything by Nicholas Sparks. For some reason, although I appreciate the books, I love the movies way more. The Notebook, and A Walk to Remember especially. The movies just do so much more for me and I really like the changes made.

2. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I LOVE this movie. Love it. When I read the book, I was a bit disappointed. Mostly because there's a romantic element in the movie that just doesn't exist in the book.

3. Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Don't hate me! Unlike most fans, I grew up watching the movies, NOT reading the books. So when I finally read them sometime in my twenties, I just wasn't enamored by them. I had the story fixed in my head as I knew it from the movies and it was hard not to see it played out the same way.

4. P.S. I Love You by Cecilia Ahern. Much like Nicholas Sparks books, this book was great, but for some reason I loved the movie wayyyy more.

That's all I could think of. Except I need to give an honorable mention to one movie that isn't better than the book, but just as awesome:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The Colin Firth movie is just as amazing as the book is.

Any movie adaptations you think improved on the book?


  1. The only Nicholas Sparks book I prefered over the movie is The Last Song. Miley Cyrus can't act. And it was hard not to expect her to run and hide in a bathroom stall to change into her Hannah Montana costume.

    1. Haha! I don't think Miley Cyrus is a great actress either although I didn't mind the movie in general.

  2. I can't really comment on any of your choices here since I've not experienced both the book and movie of any of them. It is interesting that you find Nicholas Sparks books as a whole make better movies! :)

  3. Oh, I love the Anne of Green Gables books (I read them as a girl), but the movies were wonderful too. My daughter just started reading the first one and I'm excited for her. And I'm not the most romantic person, but for some reason I LOVE A Walk to Remember (the film). It gets me every time!

  4. Never read a Nicholas Sparks movie or seen one made from them. Guess I'll catch one on cable eventually . . .

    And my major problem with the movie of Prisoner of Azkaban was how they portrayed Draco: we needed to see that he could possibly grow up to be a threat, a true nemesis to Harry, and they made him into a sniveling wussy. Ugh!

    1. My biggest problem with it was they wasted so much time with useless bits like a bird flying into the whomping willow (3 times I think!!!) and didn't take two seconds to explain about the marauder's map. Ugh.

  5. Oh man, the Count of Monte Cristo movie bothered me so, so much. It's a perfectly good movie, as movies go, but it gives me this enraged eyetwitch whenever I think of it.

    Then again, the Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite of the HP movies, accounting for tastes

    1. Ha! I guess we'll agree to disagree on these ones. :D

  6. Interesting to pick the Nicholas Sparks books in general making good movies! Interesting pick ;)

  7. YES, Pride and Prejudice! And I agree - Nicholas Sparks movies are SO much better than the books!!! :-) Great picks, Melanie.

  8. Not sure how I forgot Pride and Prejudice! I love them all, but I am more fond of the recent adaptation with Keira Knightly more than the six hour mini-series. I know this is like treason, but what can I say. Awesome picks all the way around.

  9. Just gotta say, I can't believe I forgot about Lord of the Rings!!! Love the movies way more than the books, even the books are good.

  10. THe Count of monte Cristo is my all time favorite movie! I've beenw anting to read the book because I love the movie so much.

  11. Love the Anne mini-series, but I'd read the books first as a kid and loved them first.

    And any mention of Colin Firth is completely acceptable. Of course.

  12. I haven't seen the movie yet (it is still being made) but I THINK one movie that will improve upon the book with be The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

    I didn't much care for the book (don't hate me!), but I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.


  13. I LOVED The Notebook as a book and I haven´t watched the movie yet (I know what´s wrong with me, lol) For THE LAST SONG, I did prefer the book to the movie but I also enjoyed it quite a bit...

    I usually need to read a book at some point if I know the movie is based on one but there are some movies which I love (THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA for example) where I haven´t read the book yet.


  14. Oh, interesting question.

    I'll agree with Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook, but sadly I think A Walk to Remember was MUCH better as a book, although Shane West was probably the best choice for Landon Carter ... beautiful man.

    But, I digress.

    I also think that Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version) was WAY better than the book - or at least it made me appreciate the book in a different way, same for Sense and Sensibility (the Emma Thompson version).

    Some of my friends have also said that The Help was better as a film (I haven't read the book so can't comment).

    Great post!

  15. Great choices! Some of my honorable mentions would be mini-series adaptations P & P the most, but the only Stephen King adaptations I've ever liked were the two TV mini-series: IT and THE STAND...I think it's making the story six hours instead of two that makes those versions do more justice to the books.

  16. I think I am the only person who does not like PS I Love You. I can't watch it! I get bored, then angry, then switch over to whatever sports are on.
