
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Best Book of June

This week's Road Trip Wednesday question, since it's the last Wednesday of June, asks:

What was the best book you read in June?

Here's what I read this month, including one I'm in the middle of and will most likely finish before this weekend.

You know how much I groan picking favorites right? These were ALL great books. Only one of them I might not recommend simply because while it grabbed my attention in the beginning, it didn't quite hold it throughout, even though I finished it anyway.

I'm gonna give Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter my best book of the month. I love Ally Carter's books and I love this series. These books are so much fun and I love the whole idea of a school for girl spies. (I said love a lot there but it's true, I LOVE the Gallagher Girls.) City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare comes a close second. It's another series I ADORE.

I also want to give a shout-out to Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier because it surprised me. It has a great premise, and I'm into anything Time-travel. But I wasn't expecting a lot because it's a translation. I've read translated books before and couldn't quite get into them, I think because the voice was always a little off. Ruby Red wasn't like that at all and I've found myself still thinking about the book and the characters weeks later.

What was the best book you read in June?


  1. can't wait to read City of Lost Souls!

  2. The best book of June for me was The Raven Boys and Crewel.....I think I'm going to post this too :-)

  3. Thank you for your comments on RUBY RED, Melanie. I'm wary of translations, too--I'm always wondering whether the voice I'm reading is truly the author's or if it's the translator's. And there's always the danger that story is lost in the translation. I like the premise of RUBY RED, but didn't know if I could wait until my German is good enough to be able to read it in the original. From what you say, though, the translation does justice to the story. It's on my TBR list. :)

  4. I felt the same way about RUBY RED—great translation, and a surprisingly good read. But then, I love time travel, so I'm easy to impress on that score. :) My Cassandra Clare books are starting to stack up, and I'm now about 4-5 books behind. I'm thinking of picking up CLOCKWORK ANGEL next because I'm feeling a little like steampunk lately. :)

  5. I've heard good things about RUBY RED, and I really want to give it a shot. Time travel is hit or miss for me, but this story sounds really interesting.

  6. So I am really thinking I SHOULD pick RUBY RED and actually read it in German..I have not started the series by Cassandra Clare and I probably should get to it too :D
    GILT has been on my radar, how did you like it?

  7. City of Lost Souls was great, but I have a deep weakness for The Iron Knight.

  8. I've got three that stand out above the rest. Hushed by Kelley York, Dreamland by Sara Dessen, and My Heart for Yours by J. Perry & S. Campbell.

    (I think I got these all in during June. One might've been at the end of May, but I can't remember for sure. :))

  9. I absolutely love time travel books, so RUBY RED sounds intriguing :).

  10. I loved THUMPED this month :) I've seen RUBY RED around and I'm thinking I might have to read it pretty soon!

  11. Yay for Ruby Red getting a shout out! Only 94 more days until Sapphire Blue!

    I love those months when you read so many great books, it's hard to choose. :)

  12. Hmm, A Temptation of Angels has been on my list for awhile...hopefully this isn't the one you wouldn't recommend? :)

    I picked three, The Scorpio Races, Shadow and Bone, and Before I Fall. It was a good month for me as well :)

  13. I am seriously behind in my reading - did BuNoWriMo in June and it took up all of my time:) Out of Sight sounds fun - thanks for the heads up!
