
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

It's Teaser Tuesday time, hosted by Miz B. at Should Be Reading.

I finished Hallowed by Cynthia Hand last night (amidst lots of tears and snot) which is a sequel to her first novel Unearthly. So today I just randomly opened the book and picked a bit. Which actually is what you're supposed to do for the teaser but usually I pick a bit I've read recently that I really liked. Anyway, here's my teaser for this week:

There are a lot of words I'd use to describe Christian Prescott: mystery, enigma, conundrum, destiny, terrifying, and, well, just plain hot, if I'm being honest, but the word idiot has never crossed my mind. Except maybe that one time at prom. (page 114)

What are you reading right now?


  1. Great choice for the teaser! I'd love to know what you think of the book! My to-read shelf is getting a little empty... :) Thanks for sharing!

    Here's mine:

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Nice choice! Can't wait for your review. New follower
    Here is my Teaser

  3. Great teaser! I'm currently reading PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver. I've had the book forever and am only just getting to it. So far so good, though. :)

  4. LOL, I wonder what happened at prom...

  5. Hmmm...wonder what happened that "one time"! Great teaser! Mine is here:

  6. LOL I love this series. And I really like Christian though I am still Team Tucker. :)
    My Teaser Tuesday

  7. I can't wait to read this! It's staring at me from my bookshelf. Like, right now. It's saying "Don't you miss Tucker? And Christian? Don't you want to know what happens next? And why everybody CRIES when they read this?" And the answers are all YESSSS. But I can't pause life to read, unfortunately... The moral here is: I need to read Hallowed and your teaser is awesome. Thanks for sharing :)

    Feel free to check out my teaser here.
