
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Ah, welcome back Teaser Tuesday. I kinda missed you.

No really, I like doing Teaser Tuesday. I especially like reading other people's teasers, see what they're reading, see what the books are like. It's fun. If you want to check them out, go to Should Be Reading.

My teaser today is from Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter- her 5th Gallagher Girl book. I LOVE these books by the way. They are so much fun to read. I wish Ally Carter was my BFF. Seriously.

"You don't get it, do you?" Macey threw her covers off and stepped barefoot across the floor."We're not mad because you left." She practically spat the words. I wondered if Liz or Bex might wake up, but neither stirred. "We're mad because you didn't take us with you." (page 68)

Anyone else got any teasers?


  1. I have yet to read these, but I've heard lots of good things :)

  2. That's a really great teaser, because now I'm wondering where she went. I really need to read some Ally Carter. I have HEIST SOCIETY on my shelf, so I have no excuse. :)

  3. Of course she is. Who likes to get left behind! Good teaser. Here is my TT

  4. I wonder where they went, nice teaser.

  5. I haven't read this series but I LOVE her Heist Society series! I will give this series a try too! Nice teaser :) Mine is here:

    **New follower!

  6. Nice teaser! Thanks for sharing. I love reading everyone's teasers- i find so many new books that way, specially for my girls.

  7. If you haven't read any of the Gallagher Girls books yet, don't start with this one! It's number 5. The first one is I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You.
    They are ALL AWESOME!

  8. Great teaser! I'm wondering what adventures they missed!
    My Teaser today is from Toxic Torte.
