
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

About Conferences and Books

Blog Me Maybe: May I Ask You Something?

I've got two questions for you today.

YA Highway's Road Trip Wednesday asks this:

What book and/or writing conference would you love to go to?

My answer is simple. ANY. I've never really been to a conference. I say 'really' because I participated in WriteOnCon last year which was AWESOME but it happens in the comfort of your own home so it's not like I had to go anywhere. And then there was this writer's day that the Calgary library hosted and I went to that and it was sort of a mini-conference I guess. It was good but there weren't any authors or agents there. :( There isn't just one I dream of going to. Really, I'd love to be a part of ANY conference. Hopefully one day...

My other question, since YA Highway isn't doing this one like usual, is:

What was the best book you read in May?

My book count for this month is a little low- for me at least. Here's what I read:

I've got to say, I don't think I can pick a favorite this month. These books were all so different. Entwined was a twist on the Twelve Dancing Princesses fairy tale- a very beautiful story. Chain Reaction was a contemp romance- hot and funny and tense and excellent. I haven't read fantasy in awhile and Finnikin of the Rock didn't disappoint. The world was well imagined, the characters interesting and the plot of the story not what I thought it would be. Daughter of Smoke and Bone was also not what I thought it would be. I loved reading about Prague and artsy characters and a world of angels and demons that was new and unexpected. And then there's Insurgent. An awesome sequel. It didn't disappoint. Even though I could hardly remember what happened in Divergent, it was easy to jump right back into the world and it didn't take long for me to remember the characters. It ended on a "wha???" and made me want the next one right away.

Five excellent books. I'd recommend all of them. Now I want your answers...


  1. Living in Alberta can be the pits for conference-going, can't it? (from a fellow stuck-in-the-province Albertan)

    As for favourite reads this month: Insurgent, Grave Mercy, and The Selection. I'm currently reading To Kill a Mockingbird and it's pretty great (I'm embarrassed that I'm only just finding that out now).

  2. I really enjoyed WriteOnCon, and plan to attend this year. But it would be nice to go to an offline, "in-person" conference.

    BTW, they're doing "Book of the Month" next week, so you have another week to choose between your favorites! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Same for me - haven't gone to any conferences yet! But I am going to do WriteOnCon this year and just say it counts ;)

  5. I'd love to go to any one in a big city. NY, LA, Dallas, Chicago...

    My favorite this month was Shattered Soul by Jennifer Snyder. Gritty and raw, and heartbreaking.

  6. I always envision writer conferences as one big coffee fueled party. I've never attended one either, but I need to prove my theory sometime. I'll definitely have to add those books to my summer reading list! :)

  7. I've been hearing a lot of good things about Finnikin of the Rock lately...time to add another one to the TBR pile, I mean, mountain :)
