
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Revolutionary Pictures

This week's Road Trip Wednesday prompt, hosted by YA Highway, is:
What images inspire/ represent your WIP or favorite book?

Hmm, what to choose?

So right now, I'm working on Jessica Book 2. I did a bare beginning of a new YA Fantasy WIP before putting it aside because I need way more world-building before I start. Instead I've been jotting notes and paragraphs down on a completely different YA contemporary WIP. For starters, here are some pictures that inspire Jessica Book 2- my Daze and Knights sequel.

And instead of a picture, this is a teaser of what's inspiring my new YA contemp WIP:


  1. Your WIPs sound (look?) amazing! The image of the house on fire is a powerful one and what a rich time period to tackle. And a Les Miz inspired contemp? That sounds incredible!

  2. Hum, Alex Pettyfer on a historical: YUM!
    Your story looks very interesting. Love historical with war and despair (the house on fire, I'm guessing) ... Great ;)

  3. Wow, quite the collection of images! Looks like it's going to be an intense story.

  4. Nice! I'm a visual learner, so pictures really help me, especially when writing descriptions.

  5. I like the house in the first picture. Is it for sale? :) All the best with your projects, Melanie! :)

  6. Great pictures! Pictures definitely help me as I'm writing, to solidify details. Looks like a fabulous story!

  7. OMG! Les Misérables! Love it! I love the musical - my older sister listened to it on tape when I was a teenie and I knew ALL the songs by heart. BF turned Hubby and I went to see it in DC a few years back and wow! Now you got me very very very curious on that project...
    Anyways :D I also really like your pictures! They look quite dramatic!

  8. Les Misérables was the first show of that calibre that I ever got to see (I saw it at the Palace theatre in London). I am so excited for the new movie version coming out later this year! I think you were the one who mentioned it in the first place...

    The pics you've posted for your WiP are great and make me want to know more :)

  9. Wow, these look exciting! All that packed into one book? (AND a Pettyfer-looking character???) Wow. :D

  10. Ooh, this story looks both lovely and very exciting!

  11. Wow, would love to see how all those inspirations come together! Watch this space, I guess?

  12. ooh, love the pictures! very teasing for the book! :D

  13. Gorgeous pictures, Melanie! And I love ON MY OWN, so the fact that that song has inspired your WiP definitely has me intrigued. Great post!

  14. Wow. I love these pictures. What a great idea.
