
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Contests! and Movie Trailers

Contest #1: I'm sure most of you have heard of the Writer's Voice contest. It sounds freakin' awesome so if you haven't, check it out at Mother. Write. (Repeat).

Contest #2: Ryann Kerekes is having a query and first ten pages critique contest. Check it out at Novel Addiction. Maybe this will help get your query polished before you submit to the Writer's Voice!

And Randomly... I've read a lot of posts about books people are looking forward to this year. Honestly, I read so much that I have no clue really what I'm waiting for or when books are coming out (except the newest from Cassandra Clare which comes out May 8th cuz I read it last night on Facebook). What I do know is there are a few movies coming out this year that I CANNOT wait for.

I saw the preview for The Hobbit last weekend before Wrath of the Titans. Even though I'd watched it before on my computer, it was way more AWESOME on the big screen. It's so Peter Jackson (what with the singing and all that), but that just means I know I'm gonna like it! And ever since North and South, I've been a big Richard Armitage fan. Although he's practically unrecognizeable as Thorin Oakenshield, I know he's still gonna be amazing.

I know I've said it already, but I'm DYING for the new Les Miserables movie. Although there's no trailer yet, I've seen a few teasing pics here and there on the web. Ahhh, can't wait.

I'll admit it, I'm looking forward to Breaking Dawn Part 2. I will also admit that I think teaser trailers are kinda stupid. Usually, they just make me laugh, like oooh let's make this one minute as dramatic as possible by showing barely anything (except a deer and Bella's head poking around a tree staring at it). But they never dampen my enthusiasm for the movie itself.

Another Stephenie Meyer movie I'm looking forward to is The Host. Although it's not due till 2013. And this teaser is probably the worst one of all. (Oooh, eerie eyes, oooh. Haha, am I making you want to watch these movies?)

And yet another Stephenie Meyer-related movie- she was the producer- is Austenland, based off Shannon Hale's book. This is due sometime this year although there are no teasers, posters, or anything really to give us any hints. Should be a good one though because the book was so much fun.
I found this pic of some of the cast

What movies are you looking forward to this year? Seen any silly teaser trailers?


  1. Hi! I'm doing an interview with Tricia Lawrence (one of the agents in The Writer's Voice contest) next week, and I'm choosing questions people post on my blog today and tomorrow - might be of interest to you or anyone who wants to get to know Tricia better before the contest next month!
    (Not spamming - just thought you'd want to know since you mentioned the contest!) :)

  2. I my gosh! The Host! I am so excited for that. That was probably the coolest idea for a book/movie I've seen yet. When I saw the preview (at the Hunger Games) I did not put it together at all that it was for the Host, I guess I wasn't paying attention.
