
Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog Me Maybe

I've signed up for Blog Me Maybe, a May-long blogfest hosted by Sara McClung. Here's the schedule (taken directly from her blog):

The schedule:

Mondays: May I tell you something about writing?
This can be anything writing-related. A post on craft. A post on your process. A snippet of your WIP, if you like to share. A book on craft that you want to recommend. Things you struggle with. Things you rock at. ANYTHING at all!

Tuesdays: May I tell you something about myself?
Pretty self-explanatory :) Share something about yourself that your followers might not know. Or maybe they do. It doesn't matter--this is just so people who read your blog can get to know you a little better.

Wednesdays: May I ask something about you?
Ask your followers something about themselves.

Thursdays: May I tell you something about someone else?
Make this post about someone else. A writing friend. A critique partner. A person from history who's fascinating. A character from a book. Anyone you want. :) Have a guest poster. Give an interview. Get creative! Just let the spotlight shine on someone else.

Fridays: May I share something funny?
Fridays = the starts of weekends! BOOYA. Reason to celebrate and laugh on it's own--plus, who doesn't want to see something amusing after a long week?

I've been in a sort of blogging slump lately and I think this will be the perfect thing to get me focused. HOWEVER, I have to beg off for next week- I'm going to... HAWAII!!! Yep, that's right, Hawaii. My older bro is getting married. I'm super-psyched because I've never been there and it's one of those places I thought I'd never get to. Yee-haw!
Anyway, check out Sara McClung's blog (link on her name above) to sign up if you want to join us! (For the blogfest, not in Hawaii.)

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