
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Campaigns and Teasers

     I've signed up for the fourth Writer's Building Platform Campaign. You can find it over at Rach Writes. This will be the second campaign for me, although I hope to do better than last time. Word of warning in case you've never done one before: Don't sign up for too many groups! That's what I did last time and I just couldn't keep up. So this time it'll just be one group for me. I'm excited to join up- I love discovering new writing blogs and getting to know other writers.
     On to Teaser Tuesday, hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading.

     From Goliath, by Scott Westerfeld:
     Rope hissed through the carabiners like an angry viper, and Deryn let herself fall fast. The first moments of descent were glorious, her worries about Tesla, his iron football, and barking Prince Aleksandar of Hohenberg all left behind. But soon Deryn twisted in midair, tightening the grip of the carabiners, and came to a long and skidding halt. Momentum swung her inward toward the airship's underbelly, where she reached out and grabbed the ratlines with one gloved hand. (page 182)
     FYI: I loved this book and the whole trilogy. While Steampunk wouldn't be my favorite genre (there's a lot of technical jargon going on that makes my eyes glaze over), these books were entertaining, fun, and my first foray into Steampunk itself so totally different from what I'm used to. I loved loved loved Deryn/Dylan Sharp. If you want to read about a kick-butt girl- she's the kick-buttiest girl out there. Alek was everything I wanted him to be. All the characters are really full and well-developed and you can't help but like them. I also loved the time-period the books take place in (hello World War I). The end to the trilogy didn't disappoint either. If you want to give Steampunk a try, definitely pick up these books. Barking spiders, they're awesome!


  1. Wow...I've seen those "platform-building campaigner" buttons around, but I never knew what they stood for. I think I need to seriously consider participating--it sounds great!

    I like your teaser, too. :) I didn't think I was a steampunk person, but that was an exciting snippet!

    Also, check out our 100 follower giveaway if you have a second. There are some fun t-shirts and a classic book up for grabs!

  2. Thanks for the warning. I am doing this for the first time - super excited!

  3. wow, can't believe it's already campaign time again!

  4. Great teaser. I might give those a try!

  5. Yes! LEVIATHAN love! As you probably know, I really enjoyed this series, and heartily recommend it to anyone that likes to read. :)

  6. Hi! I'm in the YA group with you. I'm just stopping by to say "hi."

    Michelle (following along)

  7. It's my first time doing the campaign. I'm in the YA group with you and I wanted yo stop by and say "hi". Thanks for the warning, I only signed up for one group.

  8. I love Scott Westerfeld! Sigh. Great books. I saw him at a book signing. He was the keynote speaker, very funny guy. Anyway, Melanie, I'm one of the campaign members. I'm excited to get to know you and the others. I love authors. Love writing. Yay!

  9. Thanks for following my blog! Looking forward to the campaign challenges. It's gonna be fun!

  10. I'm part of the YA group too. Yeah, I made the same mistake last time too. This time sticking with YA group only. Nice to meet you.

  11. Hi there! I'm in the same Group3 with you. Just wanted to pop in and say hello! Good luck and have fun with the campaign challenges. :)

  12. Hi Melanie! It's nice to meet you! I noticed you following me so I thought I would follow you back!

    I've had Leviathan sitting around for months. I think I need to get on this bandwagon asap!
