
Monday, February 20, 2012

Campaigner Challenge

     It's here, the first Campaigner Challenge hosted by Rach at Rach Writes. Here's what we have to do:
Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “Shadows crept across the wall”. These five words will be included in the word count.
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), do one or more of these:
  • end the story with the words: "everything faded." (also included in the word count)
  • include the word "orange" in the story
  • write in the same genre you normally write
  • make your story 200 words exactly!
 I did it! And I can check off every one of those things- I ended with everything faded, I used orange, it's 200 words exactly, and it's in my genre! Go me, go me.
     So for my flash fiction, this is like an added scene to my MS Daze and Knights (this doesn't actually appear in the MS). Or it could be like a dream scene. Anyway, here it is...

Shadows crept across the wall. Flickering light from the torches looked like orange flames licking the stone walls. I bent down and patted my boot, checking for my dagger. Lord Purvis was still out there, still bent on revenge. I wouldn’t let him corner me again.

Rounding the corner, I came to a sudden stop. A figure was hiding in the shadows.

I took a slow step back. The figure shifted. Then lunged.

The dagger was in my hand in a flash, the engraved ‘A’ pressing against my palm. My arm swung forward, the dagger reaching for my attacker.

A gloved hand caught my wrist. A man loomed over me. I pounded on his chest with my free hand.

“Easy.” Lord Alric’s face appeared out of the shadows.

I sighed, the air loosening my body. I looked up at Lord Alric to see his lips twitching. I stiffened.

“Let me go.”

He raised his eyebrows but dropped my wrists from his grip.

My hands balled into fists. “You. Scared. The. Crap. Out. Of. Me.” I punctuated each word with a pound on his chest.

He smiled. “Allow me to apologize.”

He leaned forward. His lips joined with mine.

Everything faded.


  1. Aww very romantic! Love how he scared her at the beginning! This is definitely one of my favorite Flash Fiction entries of the day. Great job! Voting for you :)

    I'm entry #19

  2. Intense and super sweet. Love stories like this. Nice one! :)

    I gave you a Shout-Out on my blog today, just so you know. :)

  3. Oooo, romantic and intense! Great job! :)

  4. Ooo, swoony. Loved your descriptions, this was fabulous! :D

  5. Great ending. Loved how she punched him for every word. Great job!

  6. i'm surprised he didnt stop her punches with the kiss sooner! nice job!

  7. Wow, a different kind of danger altogether. Nice little twist there. Great job, Melanie:)

  8. Why is it I always say I never like 'romancey' stories, and then I go and read some like this and end up wondering where the story goes from there? lol

    Really enjoyed it. Now I gotta go lift some weights and spit or something else manly.

  9. Nice and intense. You did a great job with the tension here. This was great to read.

  10. Excellent storytelling, great flow, strong dialogue, good pacing - and I'm intrigued to read and learn more :)

  11. I liked it. And thanks for commenting on my story too.

  12. Now I'm wishing I could read the rest of your MS…it definitely left me hooked! Great job!

  13. Oooh, love it when a fight scene ends in a kiss ;-)

  14. Ooohh! I like the romantic twist at the end! Great job! :) You got my vote :D

    I'm #37

  15. Thanks everyone! I had a great time writing this and getting back into Jessica's (the MC) head again if only for a little bit.

  16. I loved it. A little romance a lot of description. Excellent job.

    Michelle #106

  17. Go on... I want to read on. Mine is #71

  18. Awwww! I really liked this! Great job!

  19. Every fight should end with a kiss! Sweet and romantic! Nicely done.

    I'm a new follower and entry #96

  20. sounds like the story of my life, not the revenge part, but the part about being scared. My husband hides in the shadows and scares me, all the time.

  21. Very alluring ending there. Great job!

  22. High tension at the start and defused nicely with the romantic twist, which I didn't expect. Well done!

  23. I love suspense and romance especially if it happens in a castle as the 'stone walls' seem to suggest. Nicely done!

    (BTW, I'm Susan from My Withershins. Don't let the Humpty Dumpty name fool you. For some reason Blogspot doesn't always let us Wordpress folks comment, so I'm using an old ID)

  24. Ah how nice to have some romance in this challenge.

    Your entry has been shortlisted and will move on to round 2 of the competition. :) There will be a semi-final round 3) and a final (round 4).

  25. Sweet! Love the romance and the twist here :)

  26. Great ending! I was expecting a fight to ensue, but ended going "awwww" instead! Loved it. :-)
