
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

RAH for YA

     There's a lot of buzz and this and that going on through the blogosphere and the internet. People hating on YA, people defending YA... I was going to write my own long post about it but I decided not to.
     Instead, I just want to say,
     Can't we all just get along?
     Haha. Seriously, I've written about four different posts and then deleted them because I just don't think I want to go there.
     Instead, I will officially and loudly declare my LOVE for YA books of all shapes, sizes, kinds, and genres. YA is awesome, YA writers are awesome, and the YA part of me wants to cheerleader shout a loud "rah" for all things YA. RAH! (Can you tell I was never a cheerleader?)
     And that's all I'm going to say about that.
     Except that I'm going to further show my YA love, by doing Teaser Tuesday, hosted by Should Be Reading. This week's book: Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter. (pg 30)

     "Tell me you didn't feel a rush when we carried those paintings out of the museum's front door... Tell me there wasn't a high when you swiped a Cezanne under the noses of half the KGB... No wonder you aren't taking Hale with you." She shook her head. "Sometimes boys are far easier to deal with when they're on the other side of the world."


  1. You make a good point. Let the people who love YA love and those who don't not. We all have the ability and right to think and feel for ourselves. I often get shot down because of the way I feel about something and it frustrates me.

    As for me, I don't love or hate YA. I focus more on the subgenre and thus the content - rather then whether or not it is YA.

  2. I totally agree with you on this. I love YA and I wish people would stop hating on it. I second your 'RAH!' (also not a cheerleader) =)

  3. Can't wait to get to this series! I love YA too! :) Here's my teaser. Happy reading!

  4. I love this author and definitely need to read this one. Definitely agree YA is great. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Let's just all respect each other. :)

    Here's mine:

  5. Awesome teaser! I have this series on my TBR list. I love Ally Carters Gallagher Girls series so maybe I should push this series up the list for me to read. :)

    My Teaser:

