
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Thought Thursday

     It's been awhile since I've done Random Thought Thursday, but my brain is especially immersed in randomness today so...

1. I watched Battle: Los Angeles last night and was surprised that it didn't totally suck.

2. I'm still pretty cheesed off that Catching Fire has yet to come out in Paperback. What is the deal?

3. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer was a great book. Weird. But good.

4. Ditto to Supernaturally. Not weird, but a great sequel. I love Kiersten White's voice.

5. I have a big weekend coming up (tons of family in my not-so-big house) and I refuse to let myself become stressed about it. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

6. I'm getting excited for this new story idea that's flittering around in my brain. YA Fantasy- here I come!

7. It's A Wonderful Life makes me cry, Every. Single. Year.

8. I'm reading Matched by Ally Condie right now and LOVING it! (Even though I don't like Dystopian much.)

9. Michael Buble's new Christmas CD has gotta be my favorite one ever. Although I do love me the classics (Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Perry Como).

10. Two of my daughter's birthdays and Christmas all happen in the space of two and a half weeks. Sheesh. Busy, much?

     What about you? Any random thoughts to share?


  1. Wow, birthdays and Christmas. Busy! Hm, maybe I'll have to give Battle: LA a try.

    I want cake. Don't know why. I just want cake.

  2. I was also surprised that Battle: Los Angeles wasn't totally sucktastic.

  3. Oh man, Birthdays and Christmas so close together, that's rough! And you already know how much I LOVE Matched. :)

  4. I love It's a Wonderful Life, too! Good luck with the new YA fantasy story.
