
Friday, September 23, 2011


     Progress on my WIP as of right now? 42,000 words. What I've written today? Twenty-nine words.
     Ugh. What do you do when everything around you is distracting? One daughter is watching iCarly, another is screaming at me because she doesn't want to watch iCarly, I'm trying to eat the lunch I didn't get to eat earlier, and as I had my word screen open, all I did was stare blankly at the two sentences I had written and wondered, what exactly am I doing here?
     Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh! This has been the worst productivity week, ever! Where did that 10,000-words-a-week-me go? I want her back. Her and all her brilliance. Instead, I think I'm wearing idiotic-Melanie. (P.S. I don't like her very much. She's not all that interesting.)
     Let's just hope that I can shed idiotic-Melanie this weekend sometime and get back to brilliant-Melanie for next week. Because she's got A LOT of catching up to do. (And I don't want to make Sheldon cry!)


  1. I'm amazed anyone can write with kids around. Have a good weekend!

  2. Hope you find your writing groove soon. Sometimes life just comes down on our head!

  3. You have written 29 more words than I have today :)

  4. You are not alone! This has been a bust week for me too. Here's to catching the muse and finding the ol' writing groove!

  5. I know what you mean. A few days ago I was writing close to 3,000 words between when my son went to bed, and when I passed out. The last few days, I wrote a paragraph, and then nothing today at all!

    You'll get your productive side back in no time though. :-)

  6. With kids, it's hit or miss. I'd love to have a 10,000 word week. I'm lucky if I can get my son to take a nap so I can get some time to myself. You'll get your good days back. I'm sure iCarly isn't helping any!

    Have a good weekend! :)

  7. You quoted Sheldon. <3 Instant love!

    Don't give up on the writing. Productivity just comes and go, and the best you can do is to sit down every day to see if it's a good one. It'll come back eventually. :)

  8. Don't sweat it, you'll be rockin' and rollin' in no time!

  9. Writing comes in waves. I've been told that if your inspiration is wavering, go back to your favourite book or read something with a style or tone that you'd like to emulate ...go to what does inspire you. Don't sweat the down's an important ingredient in good writing.

    LOVE the quote!


  10. Take a break, no one will mind, you won't lose anything and you'll feel better for it :)

  11. I totally get it. There are some weeks I can churn out multiple chapters no matter how much the kids are demanding of me. Then there are other weeks where every word is a struggle. My distractions overwhealm me. On those weeks I feel worthless, so I try to focus on my accomplishments. You have 42 thousand words. Holy cow! Good for you! Keep trying to write, and your muse will return!

  12. Sorry about your distracting week. I hope this week is better. And on a really light note, that quote is lol hilarious.
