
Monday, September 5, 2011

Flash Fiction

     The first challenge for the platform campaign is today. Flash fiction, 200 words or less, starting with, "the door swung open". I'm kind of in a hurry all of a sudden, so here's my entry with no edits, 200 words exactly, and I didn't manage to end with "the door swung shut". Oh well. I tried.

The door swung open and I bounced into the room. I couldn’t believe I was actually here. Finally. My moment had arrived.

It was dark in the theatre and I stumbled a little in my excitement to get down to the stage. Four people sat along the front row, papers stacked on a table in front of them. As I passed, I glanced at the topmost paper and saw myself grinning up at the four strangers. Man, I looked good in that picture.

I climbed the steps and headed to the middle of the stage, positioning myself right under the spotlight.

“Cassie Frank?” a man asked without looking up.

“Yep, that’s me!” I shouted.

Okay, I needed to calm down a little.

“It says here you’ve been in Hairspray, Chicago, Cats, and Mamma Mia.”

It didn’t sound like a question but I answered anyway. “Yes, that’s right.”

“But always in the chorus.”

I licked my lips. “Yes.”

He peered at me over the paper. I forced myself to hold still under his gaze. The other three at the table weren’t even looking at me.

I gathered my courage, lifted my chin and said, “I’m perfect for the lead. Just listen.”


  1. Very nice :) So many of the other ones were so dark (can't exclude myself...) but this was so light and full of hope. I liked where you chose to end it.

  2. I'm with Miss Cole, hoping she gets the part. This was very enjoyable and made me grin.

  3. Nothing like nerves before a tryout. Great job!

  4. I like it. I can really feel how nervous she is.

  5. Awww Cassie seems sweet. I hope she gets the lead :)

  6. Love it! I could completely feel her bubbling excitement. Great job with the challenge.

  7. Awww! This is great! I love the sense of confidence! I am locked into the story and crossing my fingers for her!

  8. Optimism and show tunes! I like it :D

  9. Hi Melanie, fellow campaigner here thanks for joining me at the well. I love your story and Cassie's confidence cracked me up- when she said "man I look good in that picture!" Love it. Great job.

  10. How do I turn your music off? I can't figure out how. It makes me rush to get off the site, the music drives me nuts. I know, I know, normal people like music. To me its fingernails on a blackboard. How do you turn it off?

    Nice opener. I'd put a little more punch earlier but I like to rush my climax. :)


  11. Sorry about the music, I think you can just click on the pause button on the playlist. It looks like an 11. If not turn your speakers down. I've worried about annoying people with it but it's my WIP playlist and I listen to it when I'm writing.

    Thanks everyone for your comments!

  12. Great voice. I really felt like I was standing on the stage next to Cassie, and I reeeeeaaaalllly want her to get the part! :D

  13. I really like this! I hope you do great in the challenge! I also wanted to say hi from the Sisterhood!

    ♥ Mary Mary

  14. I like her confidence and I am rooting for her too;)

  15. I enjoyed reading that. Hope she gets the part!

  16. I like the confidence she exudes even when feeling anxious. I'm #72

  17. Great job. You really pulled me in with Cassie's exuberance and confidence.

  18. This is so unique--never thought about this scenario as a tryout! Great job!

  19. Love this piece and LOVE your main character. She's so spunky and full of hope. Fantastic job!

  20. Cassie is a very likable character! Nice job!

  21. brave girl! i hope she gets the part!
    good flash!

  22. I really liked this! It was so hopeful compared to a lot of the other stories. Great job!

  23. This is great! I love that it's upbeat and happy, and especially the moment when she admits to only being in the chorus of the other productions but then is out to prove her stuff. Hooray!

  24. Loved her enthusiasm - she should get the part! I'm a new follower:)

  25. Confident girl! I'd give her the part for showing some guts. Great dialoguing, Melanie! :)

  26. I like how you captured the excitement this character feels. Nice entry! :)

  27. Fellow Canadian Platform Campaigner here...lending my support!

    Now I want to hear her sing!

    Nice blog. Read the 'about me' section. I've got some spare leopard lips if you like!


  28. Rooting for the chorus girl! Great job with this!

  29. This is cute. She is being confident and bold, I hope she gets her dream!

  30. Hi there. It's nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward to being on the campaign trail together.

    That's a very fun flash piece. I loved the sense of energy and excitement from the main character, as well as the perfect ending. Sometimes you'd just be stupid to go for the bonus point rules. ;)

  31. Aww, I like her excitement and optimism. And in 200 words you had me hoping she gets the part.

  32. Nicely done. I really felt the theater, and the hope tinged with anxiety and determination. Dialogue was good too.

  33. Completely different from everyone else...I really felt like I was in the theatre!!

  34. Great story! The voice was strong and I was rooting for her.

  35. Hey! You've been shortlisted in the first level of the challenge. You are now on to Round 2 of 4!

  36. Congrats on making it to round 2! Great story. There is nothing like the feeling of being on stage. You captured it well :)

  37. This was cool - I love the character's exuberance! She deserves the win!

  38. I enjoyed this. I hope the audition goes well.

    I'm hopping over from the campaign. Have a great weekend.

  39. Nice job on the dialogue. I enjoyed reading your post.

  40. This is great fun! Great post! Following back!
