
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beautiful Covers

     Ooh, I like this week's Road Trip Wednesday prompt:

What are your all-time favorite book covers?

     I've talked about covers before and how they can totally draw me in. For example, I wanted to read these two books and bought them, merely because of their gorgeous covers (and oddly enough, I loved one of them but the other- not so much):

     Other covers I've loved:

     And then there's the covers that I didn't love at first, but once I read the book, I love them now because they represent a particular scene from the book:

     I think it's interesting that most of these are Yound Adult books. I think they really do a good job trying to draw in younger readers with excellent covers. I know there's more that I haven't thought of, but these are the ones that I probably love the most. I do have to note that I love movie-tie-in covers. When I've seen the movie first and decide to then read the book, I usually try and buy the movie version of the book cover. Like these:


  1. Oh, I've never seen that Harry Potter cover. I love it! Fallen is gorgeous, too! Great picks.

  2. I LOVE the Hush Hush cover. The story didn't sound all that interesting to me, but the cover is why I bought it, and I'm glad I did. :-)

    Great post.

  3. Huh, I haven't seen that Harry Potter cover before. It's funny you look for movie tie-in covers. I always do the exact opposite. I guess it's an attempt at forgetting the actors and forming my own pictures of the characters.

  4. I must say, I prefer the US Harry Potter covers. Being an ex-pat Brit, I had to get the Potter books in their original language (!) so I have all the UK editions. Half-Blood Prince is probably one of the best of those covers, but, I'm sorry, the trio look way too old on the UK cover of Deathly Hallows.

    Sorry to use your post to vent on Harry Potter covers, Melanie! The Hush Hush cover is quite intriguing! Interesting selection.

    If you want to check out my pick, it's at:

  5. The Hush, Hush is one of my all-time favorite covers. The book was okay, but not nearly as good as the cover, lol

  6. Lovely choices! A GREAT AND TERRIBLE BEAUTY has a beautiful cover, as does HUSH, HUSH. And I've never seen that Harry Potter cover either... it's definitely a cool version!
