
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog Birthday and Campaigning

     Just a few things...

     First, I can't believe I have fifty followers. It's seriously hard to believe anyone would care what I have to say as I ramble along on this blog. I started the blog a year ago now- I don't remember the exact date but it was last August- mainly as a journal for myself. A way to keep track of my writing journey and whatever else I have going around in my head. This past year has been great learning not only about myself as a writer, but meeting lots of other writers out there who are going through the same things I am. It's truly incredible.

     Secondly... okay, the word "secondly" sounds totally hoity-toity to me, I don't know why. Anyway, I'm joining up with the Platform Building Campaign. You can find it here. It sounds like a great opportunity to connect with even more writers out there. Check it out if you haven't already.

     Thirdly... there actually isn't a thirdly. Or maybe there would have been but I completely forgot what it was because I have two crying kids right now. (And no, I don't have a picture for that.) So...

     Now they're screaming at each other. Gotta go!


  1. That last line made me laugh. So familiar. Happy blog birthday!

  2. Nice to meet you, fellow campaigner! Hope the children settle down :)

  3. Hey, we're in the same campaign group, it's nice to meet you!

  4. Children are such a joy! (At least, that's what my mom says now that us kids have left home, and the hands of time have buffered out her memories.) *grins*

    So nice to meet another campaigner!

  5. Hi Melanie! I'm looking forward to get to know you throughout the campaign :)

  6. Congrats on the 50 followers. Looking forward to campaigning with you.

  7. Welcome to the campaign! Congratulations on getting 50 followers!

  8. Hi there fellow campaigner. Congrats on your blog-o-versary and 50 followers. Looking forward to reading more on your blog.

  9. Hi Melanie - so nice to meet you!!! Looking forward to the next few weeks and getting to know everyone!

  10. Oh, a fellow writing mom! It's nice to meet you! :)

  11. Looks like we're in the same YA group for the Campaign, Melanie... looking forward to getting to know you in the coming weeks!

    I saw that you took your daughter to see Taylor Swift... Jealous! My daughter is only four but she LOVES Taylor, knows all her songs, and asked for a guitar birthday. I'm seriously considering taking her to a concert, even more so now that you've said she puts on a great show!

  12. Glad to be a new follower--now you'll have 60! I'm a new campaigner too!

  13. Wait, you don't have pictures of crying kids? I have many you could borrow :) Haha, just kidding. I try not to snap too many of those and I never post them either...But I'm SO excited we're in the same campaign group. This should be lots of fun!

  14. Hi Melanie,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm excited to be in the same campaign group with you! Congrats on hitting the big 50.

  15. Thanks for all the comments people- I'm excited to see where this campaign-thingy takes us all!
    I'll be seeing you...

  16. Yay for blog birthdays! Excited to be in your group! :D

  17. Hey Melanie! Looking forward to getting to know you!

  18. First, happy blog birthday. Second, so nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi. Third, I think I'm now #63 on your list of followers. Yay!

    Looking forward to campaigning with you.

  19. I love realistic posts. Makes me feel not so alone. I go through the same thing with my kids or puppy while posting or writing at times. LOL

  20. This is my first campaign and I'm excited to join you with the others in it!

  21. Hey Melanie.

    I'm new to the campaigning bandwagon. Fellow romance writer waving hello. Nice to meet you.

  22. So happy to meet a fellow campaigner! Looking forward to the challenges. :)
    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  23. Hi! So lovely to meet a fellow campaigner who loves Jane Eyre! :)

  24. Hi Melanie! Yes, Diet Coke and music is a total God-send but equally so is cracking open a new book (love the smell and all the words! Lol!) and the moment before the movie starts! ;) Also my kids laughter...of course. ☺ heehee

  25. Hi there, fellow Canadian campaigner. I'm making my rounds and now I'm your newest follower :)

  26. Happy birthday to your blog and hello from a fellow campaigner (WF).

  27. Hello,

    I'm making my rounds through my Campaigner groups. Nice to meet you :)

    Happy blogoversary! Were you at my house when you typed that last line?

  28. Happy (belated) blogoversary! I'm number 80 and a fellow Campaigner from your Women's Fiction group :)

  29. Hello fellow Canadian Campaigner!

    I'm in Victoria, BC.

    Nice to meet you!

  30. I can't even begin to tell you how many thirdly thoughts my three kids have managed to interrupt and demolish.

    I'm popping by to say hello. I'm a member of your Womens Fiction/Chick Lit campaign group and look forward to connecting!
