
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Got You and Road Trip Wednesday

     I'm totally obsessed with "I Got You" by Leona Lewis. It all started when I watched this dance number. One of my favorite routines so far this season. Watch it, it's amazing. I also have the song on my last Harry Potter post- it's the background song on the video tribute to the actors. Such an awesome song.

     On to Road Trip Wednesday. I skipped last week cuz I was too Harry Potter involved. (I saw the movie again last night. It was toonie tuesday, so why not?!) So here's today's question: Who are your favorite literary villains/antagonists, and why?

Um, duh... VOLDEMORT. Such an evil, evil wizard. So evil that he split his soul multiple times by murdering others, just for immortality. Goll, he's bad. And it's so satisfying when *spoiler alert* he gets his in the end.

And also, SNAPE. Although *spoiler alert* he doesn't end up being a villain, he's still so mean throughout all the books. He's probably a favorite of mine because we learn his story- we find out the reason for the meanness. We find out that he's not just evil, he's sad, and lonely, and he made some bad choices. Poor, poor Severus.

A completely different kind of villain, but one I love to hate- George Wickham from Pride and Prejudice. He's smooth, charming, handsome. But a snake. A ruin-er of innocent girl's virtue. And a big inspiration for one of my own characters.

So what about you? What villains do you love? Or love to hate?


  1. I like the charming, sneaky ones too. :)

  2. Oh, the charming ones are so easy to love to hate. Like the ones that make you think, "Would he be different if someone had loved him...?" :-)

  3. Snape is so popular today! I personally love Snape - he's one of my faves.

  4. Snape and Voldemort were a lot of people's picks. Probably because most people have seen Deathly Hallows recently. I liked some of other people's choices like Damen Salvatore (from Vampire Diaries) and many HP characters I forgot like the Malfoys, Umbridge, and Bellatrix Lestrange.

  5. I didn't even think of Mr. Wickham. But I'm definitely with you on that one. So, so charming, but so, so deceptive...

    Voldemort and Snape are good choices. I also like the Malfoys, Umbridge, Bellatrix Lestrange...

    I ended up writing about Dracula though.

  6. Yes, you're totally right about Wickham! I was even thinking of Willoughby from Sense and Sensibility (because I think he actually felt a lot of remorse for what he did).

  7. I do love Wickham, especially in the recent film version....

  8. One of my favourite villians is Artemis Entreri - the most cunning assassin that ever existed. I also liked evil Angel. He made being bad an art.
