
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday and What's the Score Blogfest

     So I've got two things going on today. First, Road trip Wednesday...    

     This weeks question: What is the strangest/weirdest thing you've ever researched?

     Hmmm, that's a tough one. For Daze and Knights I researched medieval armor, castles, clothing, and food. Jousting, sword fighting, and the order of nobility.

     For Jessica Book 2, I've researched 1781 Virginia- the houses, food, clothing, underwear. British and American uniforms, the Revolution, slavery, knife-throwing. I've researched real commanders in the war, I've read or skimmed countless books on the Revolution. I've needed information on everything from when they ate their meals, to rereading over and over again about the Siege of Yorktown. I've done so much research that everything has started to blend together into an alarming mishmash of messed up tidbits.

      Sadly, nothing for either book has been all that weird. Just general living and fighting kinds of things. Maybe the weirdest thing that I can remember is this past week I've been trying to figure out distances. So my mom gave me this list of how long it would take to cover 1500 miles on foot, on horseback, by covered wagon, by train, by car, by jet, and by supersonic transport (don't ask me where she got this info from- some book). So then I had maps open of Virginia and a calculator and a husband who's waaay better at math than me to help me figure out how long it would take (approx) for someone to get from Williamsburg to Yorktown by wagon. Sheesh- that was annoying.

     Honestly, I'm getting a little researched out. I look forward to writing a contemporary novel where I'm sure I'll have a teeny bit to do, but not nearly as much as I've had to do for the last two books.

     Secondly, (and I hope it's okay to do both) I love music and books and combining them and I already have a soundtrack picked out for Daze and Knights so I wanted to participate in this Blogfest:
So I'm making a list of the songs for Daze and Knights and then I'll put them over on my playlist for anyone's listening pleasure.

According to You- Orianthi

Just What I Needed- Faber Drive

Beside You- Marianas Trench

7th Symphony, 2nd Movement- Beethoven

Face Down- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Speechless- The Veronicas

Take My Hand- Simple Plan

Running out of Time- Simple Plan

You and I Tonight- Faber Drive

Two is Better Than One- Boys Like Girls and Taylor Swift

And for book 2, the songs I have so far...

The First One- Boys Like Girls

Haunted- Taylor Swift

Don't You Remember- Adele

Club Can’t Handle Me- Flo-Rida ft. David Guetta

You Don’t Know Me- Michael Buble

Take It All- Adele

***In my haste to get this post done this morning before picking up my son, I forgot to add a link to the blogfest. And then as I was doing some errands and listening to my new Adele CD, I found two great songs that I had to add to my song list for Book 2.***


  1. Orianthi, The Veronicas, Beethoven, Michael Buble! I love it!

  2. Gunshot wounds to the foot, I guess. I even found pictures. Contemporary is easy, setting wise.

    I have a constantly evolving soundtrack. It has twenty songs, right now, heavy on The Rescues.

  3. Oh I can't wait to listen to the songs on your playlist! I'm not sure where you live, but have you ever visited Williamsburg? It's a pretty fun trip! (I live in VA, so it's close for me.)

  4. Great song list! I absolutely love Adele! :)

  5. I also love the Beethoven. That would make a fine score by itself.

  6. OK, this is the second time I saw Red Jumpsuit Apparatus mentioned - guess it's a sign I need to check 'em out :D

  7. Ben- I'll have to check out The Rescues- never heard them before (don't shoot me).
    Hektor- that Beethoven song is freaking awesome. One of my favorite classical pieces although it's on a pretty long list.
    Amy- I'm just getting into the world of Adele but I think she's great.
    Trisha- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is really heavy metal, in fact my blackberry calls it "screamer". I'm not really into that kind of music but Face Down has the perfect lyrics for a moment in my book, and their song "Your Guardian Angel" is my all-time favorite song.
    Tracey- I live in Alberta Canada so no, I've never been to Williamsburg, but I will definitely go there if it looks like the book is going to be a go (it's a sequel and I'm still querying the first one). My brother and his family live nearby as well, outside of Philadelphia.

  8. Those are fantastic choices you've got there. I love Adele, and I'm glad you added those two songs.

    Thanks for playing along :)

    PS--I think researching underwear is a little weird, but in a cool way--if that makes any sense :/

  9. Awesome playlists!

    And wow! You sure have done some serious research! Awesome!

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has wondered about old-timey underwear.

  11. You have some kickass music for your playlists.

    What's funny is that I use sym no 7 A LOT. It works for SO many things! Well, and then I go to something like simple plan, weezer, muse... whatever works, right?
