
Monday, June 27, 2011

Lovin' The Language Blogfest

     Jolene Perry over at Been Writing? is hosting this blogfest so check out her blog to see everyone's responses which will probably be more interesting than mine...

     I have to admit, this was a tough one for me. I don't think of myself as a writer who is very good with words. So why am I writer then? Well, I love stories and characters and settings. I enjoy writing the scenes I see in my head and I love dialogue. But I'm rubbish at description and I rarely come up with something that I think people would stop and say, "that was brilliant!"
     Since Jolene is kindly allowing us to break the rules (yay), instead of five lines from Daze and Knights, I decided to post five of my favorite chapter titles. I had lots of fun coming up with these titles, and I'm quite proud of them. (Cue my self-satisfied smile.) I had a really hard time choosing too, but here they are:

Chapter 2: If I’m Daydreaming Then Where’s Zac Efron?

Chapter 7: Let Me Introduce You To Creep #1 and Creep #2

Chapter 20: Splinters, Visitors, And A Sword Up The Nose

Chapter 47: Who Knew That Killing Someone Makes You Want To Barf

Chapter 51: How Many People Do I Have To Kill To Get Some Alone Time Already


  1. I'm totally laughing out loud. NICE JOB. Sounds like a fun project with a great voice.

  2. I love the voice that comes with the titles. I would totally love to read this book!

  3. So much attitude and fun in those words. :)

  4. Ha ha! I love number one. They're all great, though, you get a real sense of voice just through the titles. Nice job!

  5. The titles make me want to read the chapters! This might sound morbid, but when I read the last one, the first thing I thought of was a frazzled mother. I don't know why.

  6. I giggled when I read the line from Chapter 20!

  7. If the book title and chapter titles make me laugh this much, the rest of the book must be awesome! You DO have a way with words.


  8. I love these! Totally something I'd read. Oh, and Zac Efron's being held hostage in my dreams.


  9. Usually I don't have chapter titles, but in some stories I do - and they can be so fun!!

    loved yours :)

  10. Lovin' the humor! Titles are so hard! You must have a way with words to come up with one for each chapter!

  11. I have a hard time with titles, so props to you for these. They're funny!

  12. Thanks everyone! I had so much fun with these titles and most were easy. I have a waaay harder time coming up with book titles though.
