
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Melanie Stanford's 13 Secrets

     Confession: I read tabloid magazines. Not the really tabloid-y ones like the National Enquirer or anything, I mean I have SOME pride. No, I regularly buy InTouch, my sister-in-law buys Life and Style, and we trade off. Maybe this was something I should have mentioned in my Guilty Pleasures post.

     But anyway, Life and Style has a column- 13 Secrets- which is questions that different celebrities answer each week. And because I like to imagine that I'm a celebrity (I constantly imagine myself as the first ever author on Dancing With The Stars- haha! but really, I'd totally rock that show), I thought that today I would be the subject of the article and answer the questions.

Melanie Stanford's 13 Secrets

1. Something I love about myself is...
My imagination

2. Stylish stars I love are...
Jennifer Aniston and Kate Beckinsale

3. My biggest fear is...
Something or someone hurting my children

4. My ideal Saturday night is spent...
Going out to dinner then seeing a movie (or maybe dancing which I never do anymore)

5. The last item of clothing I bought was...
Hoodies from Aeropostale- totally on sale

6. When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be...
A writer, a dancer, a pianist, an actress, a singer... anyone famous really

7. My biggest guilty pleasures are...
The Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl

8. My worst haircut was...
A few years ago I wanted a bob like everyone else had- it looked AWFUL on me

9. Fashion items I can't live without are...
My Louboutins and my Prada bag. Haha, just kidding. A really great pair of jeans. Speaking of which, I need to get me some since I've grown too fat for the ones I have now (sob sob)

10. My everyday skin products are...
Kirkland brand face wipes and Olay Total Effects moisturizer

11. Designers I love are...
Oh gosh, I would love having almost anything designer, although I wouldn't love paying for it. What I'd really like is one of Victoria Beckham's sheath dresses

12. My all-time favorite outfit is...
Jeans, a boho shirt, and wedges

13. My beauty must-haves are...
Mascara. I don't care what brand, I just have to have it or I look awful. And I love Bath and Body Works Country Apple anything

     So there you have it. Now I feel like a celebrity. Haha. On a side note, a really great blog I follow called Perfecting the Craft is having a contest to critique the first 1000 words of a manuscript. I hope I win- I could really use a critique from someone who won't be afraid to hurt my feelings!

1 comment:

  1. *GASP* you read those trashy magazines (shaking my finger now) LOL!! I read what you were saying it made me laugh as I have considered outing myself on reading them on my blog as well...but I was too chicken ha ha. So good for you for being stronger than me...but I am happy to be your "magazine swapping buddy." I am guilty as well!!
